25 August 2008

What a great weekend. Yesterday was the dedication for the Twin Falls Temple. So excited to have a temple just minutes up the road. We were given the awesome opportunity to be inside the temple for the dedication. My mom and dad and grandma and grandpa were in the Celestial Room with the Prophet and Pres. Eyring. Too cool. All of my sisters were in town, even C who flew in from Michigan. It was really great to be there with all my sisters and most brothers-in-law. Twin Falls Temple is a beautiful temple with gorgeous decor. I really love it and look forward to regular visits with my sweetie.
Waiting to go in the temple.

The whole gang. Six girls (husbands included), one brother in our hearts (EJ in Paris on his mission), Grandma and Grandpa M, mom and dad and one niece and one nephew. Great babysitters to watch the little ones play and sleep. Life doesn't get better than this.

13 August 2008

Friday Night Family Night

We had a great Family Night this past weekend. We spent the weekend at Kya's birthmother's wedding and receptions. She was sealed in the Logan Temple and then had two different receptions.
The sealing was amazing. You could feel the spirit very strong. The sealer even mentioned how beautiful it is to see children who are adopted be sealed to their parents in the temple. He didn't know that we were the adoptive parents of the bride. I balled of course, and Carl even got a little teary-eyed.
I love the experiences we have had with adoption.
Here are a few pics of Kya and daddy at the reception. No pics of me of course...being the photographer and all.

I just love this picture. Kya loves her daddy.

Aside from the wedding festivities...we are still busy remodeling our house. Working on the siding and finishing the outside. I will soon be posting pics of the before and after of the outside of the house. Carl and I are having a blast working together and accomplishing such a big project together. It will be fun to finally move into the house and call it our own...First home and all.
Carl and I have really grown closer through-out this project and shared lots of laughs. Some laughs from jokes and having fun, others out of pure fatigue and late nights. I love Carl so much, he is a hard worker and so much fun to hang out with. But I do have to say, I am getting my hand just as dirty as him with this project, I love it.

04 August 2008

Birthday, Fair, Family Reunion, Class Reunion and all sorts of fun!

Busy week, a lot of pictures and some fun times. Enjoy the slide shows and a little journaling.

Kya was definitely a 2 year old on her birthday. She had too much fun opening presents, wanted to open "more", and didn't really want to eat her cake or ice cream. We got her to dig into the cake, but that was all she wanted to do with it. We got her a pinata for her and her cousins. They loved that. Of course the boy cousins were a little concerned that it was a 'princess castle' and not a car or something.

We had a fun week and of course ate way too much food...you know that really good food that is so bad for you. This was my first Demolition Derby and it was so fun. We had Carl's mom's family reunion this week, the same week as the 'world famous' Grace, Id fair. Well, the blue station wagon is the car that all the Carl and his family grew up with and when it died the kids told Mom and Dad not to get rid of it because they wanted to watch it die at the Demo Derby. So they rigged it up, we all got to help paint and sign it and then Uncle C. drove it in the derby. We were the loudest section in the arena...the whole family...even Kya got into the chanting and clapping (once she realized she wasn't going to get hurt by the cars).

We won second place and that was so fun to watch them all get into the death of this car. Let me tell you...it will not die. They asked us to pull the car in the parade and Carl sat in it and revved it up throughout the parade, while some of the grandkids, Grandma and I sat in the back of the truck and threw candy. That was fun. The car had no water in it and they all thought for sure it would cease up....No sir-ry bob, that thing will not die (until the crusher gets it).

We also went to Carl's 10 year class reunion. Because he grew up there and it is such a small town...I knew a few of his class members and I enjoyed seeing them too. Where at my 10 year class reunion (being only 1 year that I went to my alma-mater (sp), Carl didn't know anybody).

So, Fair, Family Reunion, Class Reunion, Demo Derby and Birthday party are now over...Whew! What a week.