24 July 2008

Finally, an update.

So, finally I am updating this blog. With all that has been going on lately I haven't been consistent with updating or even "friday night date nights" for that matter. But we are still here and still praying for a sibling for Kya.

Honestly, its 3:00 am and I was lying in bed, unable to go to sleep after our sweet little Kya woke up screaming. I went in to calm her and put her back to bed. After holding her for a few minutes, I said, "Mommy is going to go back to bed", she replied with, "No, mommy hold Kya". So I did. After a few more minutes, I laid her down, turned on her music and went back to bed. Laying here thinking to myself, 'I need to update our blog', and I felt I needed to do it now. So here I am, at 3:00 am, journaling some more of our latest activities.

The last month or so has been a whirlwind of events. We made our move back to Idaho, bought a house, attended a few family reunions and gatherings, celebrated a holiday, in the process of remodeling our home, spending a lot of time with Grandmas, Grandpas and some cousins, and soon to celebrate Kya's 2nd Birthday, and her birthmother's wedding. Too much fun going on.

So I have included a few pictures of some of our fun times.

Here we are at a family reunion. Kya and I are in a race by ourselves to fill the bucket of water with a cup that has holes in the bottom.

Which she ended up playing in the water bucket anyway.
Then daddy raced Uncle J....
...pouring the water...
and won! Yeah daddy. Oh, we had to wear goggles and flippers. Mommy raced her cousin H., but daddy forgot to get pictures of that. Probably a good thing, I lost.
Among all this fun...I ran a race with some of my sisters, brothers-in-law, parents and some friends. It was a 180 miles, from Logan, UT to Park City, UT. Tough, but such an accomplishment. (me on the right in green)

Fourth of July fun. We love the fireworks and Kya loved the sparklers.

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